I have been slacking on blogging lately due to the craziness of the holidays, but I'm back!!
My 'Thinking Out Loud' post this week is about 2015 and 2016!

I am not a fan of New Years Resolutions. I believe if you want to make a change in your life you should do it whenever you want to. However, I feel when a new year comes around it gets us thinking about our lives and our plans for the next year. Instead of resolutions, I have goals.
- continue to improve my health through fitness and weight training
- heal and support my body with natural remedies such as essential oils
- improve Franklin's allergies through natural remedies & help him with his anxiety
- continue to grow my amazon reviewing
- live in the moment & appreciate it all - don't take anything/anyone for granted
I wish the best for you all in 2016!
Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year?
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