What I am loving this week...
The fact that I didn't have to deal with the daylight savings nonsense. I am so happy I live in a state that doesn't use it. I understand at one time it served a great purpose but it is outdated.
I have been loving homemade cookies this week. My mom has officially become the cookie lady to everyone who knows her. I am not complaining.
I have been loving peanut butter this week. PB on toast. PB in the form of delicious cookies. PB in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. You get the idea!
What have you been loving this week?
*Check out what others are loving at Life in Leggings , Running4Cupcakes , and Grace & Love.*
Oh my goodness, I want to live somewhere that doesn't have daylight saving!! Ugh, this has been the most tiring week ever…for no reason other than the time change. I have no idea why more provinces/states don't do away with it!